Vote by November 5!





As a long-time First Ward resident, a community leader, and an expert communicator, I am committed to representing all the voices of the First Ward. I believe that when “regular” folks run for elected office, we all win.

We have the opportunity to create a bright future together as our ward grows and develops. We need someone in office to ask smart questions and stand up for services that support a high-quality of life for everyone. You deserve that kind of city commissioner.

Like you, I work hard to make ends meet and raise my family here in the First Ward. My roots run deep in the community from my extensive volunteering to my professional experiences and entrepreneurial endeavors.

I am currently on the board of the West Grand Neighborhood Organization and have a track record of volunteer work with JBAN/SWAN, GRPS schools, The Other Way Ministries, Women's Resource Center, GROW, and Girl Scouts. I've also worked with the Michigan League of Conservation Voters and the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce.

I take the role of city commissioner seriously. I see it as a real job -- not simply a side role. When elected, I'll be your representative in City Hall first and foremost. In fact, it's my deepest commitment to serve my neighbors and fellow First Ward citizens.

It's part of what makes me the ideal candidate to champion our ward’s best interests. After all, the First Ward is about all of us -- whether we live in Garfield Park or Roosevelt Park, the Westside or the South West corner.

I'm ready to lead with integrity and accountability... AND open availability. I am dedicated to listening and responding to your concerns.

Your neighbor,
AliciaMarie Belchak

P.S. You can download my full candidate bio here.

We Are First Ward

Let's Move Forward Together

We have the opportunity to create a bright future together as our ward is rapidly growing and developing. We need someone in office who:

  • understands the issues facing families & our neighborhoods

  • asks smart questions & listens to all sides

  • ensures effective city services & low taxes / costs

  • stands up for better business & job opportunities

  • supports a high-quality life for everyone

You deserve that kind of commissioner.
That's why I'm running for First Ward City Commission.

Vote Belchak!


You are if you reside in the purple outlined district on the map below.


I am 100% committed to listening AND responding to your concerns & needs. 


Your family works hard, just like mine. You deserve a city that delivers results!


Together, we can make a difference.

We can empower our community, ensure our voices are heard in local government, and shape the future of Grand Rapids. Let's build bridges to a bold, bright vision of the First Ward.

Let me know what you're thinking or what you'd like the city to address. I'm here for YOU! 

“As a long-time Westsider, I am excited to work hard on behalf of my fellow First Ward residents. I'm ready to lend my voice and expertise as a city commissioner, a fellow neighbor, and a community leader.

My father-in-law grew up on Bristol Ave. NW and my husband lived on Ottillia St. SE as a kid. Now, the First Ward is where I’m raising my family too -- ages 9, 13, 19. 

I am truly invested in seeing this community thrive and be a welcoming place to live, work and play long into the future!”

— AliciaMarie Belchak for First Ward City Commission


Paid for by
CTE AliciaMarie Belchak
710 Jackson St. NW | Grand Rapids, MI 49504
(616) 634-7826

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